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Han, Rotterdam, 14.02.2025 Korina! Happy Valentine’s day <3

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Uwe, Lippstadt , 06.02.2025 Hallo,
Wir sind am 22.02.25 vor Ort und hätten Bock auf Party, legen bei euch dann live DJs auf(apres Ski)?
Dank im Voraus


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Linda J. Montz, Los Angeles, 04.02.2025 HOW I RECOVERED MY $38,000 from coincrypto. tech

I’m forever grateful to Jetwebhackers for their remarkable assistance in recovering the $38,540 I had lost to a crypto scam. This amount was meant to cover my husband’s urgent hospital bills, and I was deceived by a fraudster posing as Agent David, who promised me a return of $380,940 – but it was all a scam. Thanks to Jetwebhackers’ expertise and dedication, I was able to recover not only the initial investment but also the profit I was promised. Their help has been a blessing to my family, and we can now focus on my husband’s recovery without financial stress. I highly recommend Jetwebhackers to anyone who has fallen victim to crypto scams. They are professional, efficient, and compassionate. Thank you, Jetwebhackers, for your exceptional service and support during a difficult time!"CONTACT THEM VIA

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andischiebtanders, Buxtehude, 20.01.2025 Wir werden vom 25.01-01.02 vor Ort sein. Gibt es die Möglichkeit bei euch aufzutreten?

Hatte im letzten Jahr einen ziemlich viralen Song raus gebracht.

Das wäre MEEEGAA wild <3

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Daisy, Newcastle, 03.01.2025 Hey! Looking forward to visiting at the end of Jan. We are coming with some new skiers. Can you get to Mooserwirt and back to the village by lift? If they aren’t able to ski. Thanks!

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Nick, Lost walet, 20.12.2024 I lost My Wallet do you Guys find a Wallet with My ID, driving license And credit card?

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Nico, Dornbirn, 13.09.2024 Guten Morgen Lieblingsteam =)
Gibt es schon News bzgl Open Air dieses Jahr?
Würden gerne frühzeitig buchen!
Schlagerliebe geht raus an die Community <3
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Das wird 3 Sekunden, nachdem es fixiert ist, genau hier auf bekanntgegeben. Zuallererst...
Beste Grüße und alles Gute,
De Jong, Castricum Nederland, 13.04.2024 Dank jullie wel voor weer een mooi seizoen, en de fantastische sfeer bij de après ski. Tot januari '25.
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Ebenfalls HERZLICHEN DANK und alles Gute! Bis nächsten Winter,
Kirsten Wijling, Leiden, Holland, 15.03.2024 Hello,
After again an amazing week in Sankt Anton I arrived home.
There is still one question on my mind…
What is that german closing song ar Mooserwirt with something like “so eind wondershone tag…”. It always please at the end of the evening.

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Hello Kirsten, you are talking about "Welch ein Tag" by Mario Jordan. Have a look in your mail account...
All the best and hope to see you soon,
Elmer, Austria, 12.03.2024 Hello, very fun place but could you please change the glasses to plastic cups? So many glasses were broken when I was there - they are dangerous but also it would be more sustainable to change to safer plastic cups.
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Thank you very much for your comment. We doubt that plastic is more sustainable than anything, we should all use less plastic...
All the best and hope to see you back soon!
Tobias Götting, St. Anton , 11.03.2024 Der Abend war super! Hat Mega Spaß gemacht.
Leider hat nur jemand nach der falschen Jacke gegriffen. Vielleicht findet sich der jenige noch.
Weiße Adidas Jacke mit Orangen Reißverschluss.
Viele Grüße

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Valentin Wolf, Wuppertal , 11.03.2024 Sandro mit Abstand der beste Kellner im ganzen Mooserwirt!!
Wegen ihm kommen wir alle jedes Jahr!
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Lieber Valentin,
wir freuen uns auch sehr, dass der Sandor seit heuer neu in unserem Team dabei ist - er ist absolut eine Bereicherung!
Beste Grüße,
Karel Gans, Amsterdam, 04.03.2024 It is the birthday of my friend tomorrow. We want to celebrate in a big way. What are the possibilities??
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Hello Karel!
there are two possibilities to celebrate your friend's birthday today:
No. 1: Go to MooserWirt
No. 2: Don't go to MooserWirt
It depends, what you want...
All the best and HOPE TO SEE YOU!
Mikkel Iversen, 81541, 27.02.2024 Someone must have brought my alpinestave home by mistake tonight. They’re from scott and we’re rented in Sportmatt in Petneu.

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Lorenz, St anton, 18.02.2024 Somebody took my snowboard yesterday evening. It's a Capita board with Burton Mission binding. It might have been an accident since there was another Capita board left (which, at the end, I took home).
I'm staying in Feldkirch today and I would really like to get my board back :)

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Lauren Mayernik, Stolen Ski - pink faction 2.0 dictator 171cm, 07.02.2024 I left apres tonight at the Moosewirt around 8pm and someone had taken one of my skis.

They are pink faction dictators 2.0 (171 length, 96mm width) with demo bindings.

This person seemingly swapped the skis.

I found a ski laying in the snow of a newer model of the same ski (also pink factions, 171, 96) with different bindings (shift / touring bindings). Binding is set for ~26.5 boot.

The ski that was taken (the one that I am missing) has faction written on the top portion in black, a small defect on the top sheet (that I filled in with pink paint), a scraped up top edge, and “dictator” written on the back. The bottoms were black with a pink faction logo.

Please please please let me know if someone turns it in or contacts you about it.

I am returning to the USA first thing on Saturday morning 2/10.
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Annely Hoffer Lech, 08.02.2024
Hi! I have the other faction ski!! Can you meet up in Lech today?
Annely Hoffer Lech, 08.02.2024
Or in St. Anton? I am here right now if you could meet up!
AL, London, 26.01.2024 just been to the moose, great evening only spoilt by the fact that out all our group had their skis stolen (that’s 5 set of skis) and by all accounts many other people had their ski ski stolen too. The moose needs to do more to ensure that ski equipment is save. A very disappointing end to a good evening. We have been there for 6 year running a never had this happen before . It’s a shame as we’ll not go there again. Don’t recommend useless you have good insurance cover..moose needs to do more in policing the outside of the property not just take your money and play music. Don’t recommend going here useless you’re happy to lose your skis!!!!
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Dear (Mr/Mrs?) Al,

thank you for your comment and SORRY you are missing your skis - we do hope that you reported that to the police immediately, because that's the one and only way to act when you think things have been stolen. You are accusing us of "just taking your money and play music" - I'm afraid I have to correct you though: Of course MooserWirt does A LOT to prevent things from our guests being mixed up (in 99 % of the cases) or stolen (1 %): Besides a lot of other things we DO have a "Ski Garderobe" since almost 30 years by now - just put all your belongings in there (costs you 2 Euros...) and our staff will "protect" it until you leave. And of course some of our securities are out there all the time (NOT in their SECURITY outfit of course, but "secret") - we did NOT notice the "many other people who had their skis stolen" either and did NOT get notified of any "increased" losses. Again: VERY SORRY for that but blaming us is simply not fair. We are 100 % responsible for things handed into our Ski Garderobe, but NOT for skis anywhere else - simply impossible...

Again: Please inform the police about what you suspect. Thank you, Eugen.
Han, Rotterdam, 20.01.2024 I will have to miss Korina from the umbrella-bar for a whole year again ????.
With her beautiful blue eyes, long blond hair and cute smile.

Say hi to her.
And…Till next year. ????????

From the bold Dutch bearded guy

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Deimy, Zürich, 15.01.2024 Hallo. Ist der Mooserwirt am Wochenende des Weissen Rausch noch geöffnet?
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Rudi Zurich, 18.01.2024
I met a very nice lady from Zurich do you know her by chance. Want to say hallo
Deimy Zürich, 18.01.2024
Yes I know all the nice ladies from Zurich Rudi.
Juliane, St. Anton, 08.01.2024 Ganz nett, aber euer Aperol sollte auch mal Aperol enthalten, das schmeckt leider nur nach Wasser und das bei dem Preis leider sehr enttäuschend. Beste Grüße!
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Eugen St. Anton am Arlberg, 12.01.2024
Hallo Frau Juliane, bitte melden Sie sich doch bei Ihrem nächsten Besuch bei uns. Wir zeigen Ihnen sehr gerne "live", wie wir arbeiten - sie werden überrascht sein. Zum Beispiel auch darüber, dass wir mehr Aperol in unseren Aperol hineingeben als Aperol selbst für den Aperol empfiehlt. Und zwar ziemlich mehr...
Beste Grüße und bis sehr bald,
mehr laden